
Fluoroscopy is an imaging technique that uses X-rays to create “real-time” or moving images of the body. It helps doctors see how an organ or body system functions. Fluoroscopy is used in a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. A radiologist and radiologic technologist perform the procedures together.

Most fluoroscopic exams require the patient to lie on the table. In many cases the patient is given a contrast material to highlight specific organs and/or blood vessels so they can be seen on an image. Contrast material can be swallowed, injected or given by an enema, depending on the type of exam and what part of the body is being studied.

The radiologist is able to move the fluoro tower around to follow the contrast material wherever where it goes. The patient may be asked to move around in different positions so that we can take pictures of the exact area of interest. The images are then viewed on a television monitor in the room.

We perform range of studies including barium enema, barium follow through, barium swallow, IVP (intravenous pyelogram), VCUG (Voiding Cystourethrogram), etc.


Mon-Fri- 8am – 9pm (tewat 2:00 – mata 3:00 local time)

Sat – 8am – 5pm (2:00-11:00 Local time)

Sun – 8am – 5pm (2:00 – 11:00 Local time)